IdentMe wins the 2022 City of Halle IQ Prize
The IQ Innovation Prize Central Germany 2022 was awarded on June 30th. in Koethen. IdentMe GmbH, a start-up from the Weinberg Campus Technology Park, received the IQ Prize of the…
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The IQ Innovation Prize Central Germany 2022 was awarded on June 30th. in Koethen. IdentMe GmbH, a start-up from the Weinberg Campus Technology Park, received the IQ Prize of the…
In cooperation with @theecosystemcompany we present to you our innovation program Weinberg Campus Accelerator within the first edition of the Accelerator Guide Germany. In addition to our program, you will…
Another breakthrough with Animal Vaccine Development was achieved by VEROVACCiNES GmbH, an accelerator participant and tenant of the Technologiepark Weinberg Campus. As of the 4th of March 2021 VEROVACCiNES GmbH…
On February 13th and 19th Die Frischemanufaktur GmbH offers online tasting workshops to try out different vitamin-infused beverages. Are you curious about the so called "Lieblingswasser" by Die Frischmanufaktur? They…
The last interview of our interview series with participants of the 1st Batch of the Weinberg Campus Accelerator was conducted with EastCyte Biosciences. Let's see what their project is about…