Workshop “organizational development”
What Workshop about "organizational development" Who Jonas Kühl When 02.06.2022 09:00am - 5:00pm __________ Are you interested in other events? Click here to see a full list of planned workshops.
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What Workshop about "organizational development" Who Jonas Kühl When 02.06.2022 09:00am - 5:00pm __________ Are you interested in other events? Click here to see a full list of planned workshops.
What Workshop about "IT and IT-Security" Who Jörg Maiwald When 31.05. & 08.06.2022 09:30am - 3:30pm __________ Are you interested in other events? Click here to see a full list…
What Workshop about financing, funding programs and investor contracts, Does & Don´ts Who Stefan Schneider from KPMG and Philipp Kopp from bmp Ventures When 18.01.2022 10am - 3pm About KPMG…
In this 2-day long workshop on Accounting the startup teams will be taught about the different subjects on a startup-oriented accouting e.g. digital and lean accounting, balance sheet, inventory, cost…
Providing products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements is immensely important. Thus, this 2-day long workshop on ISO 9001 will teach our startups everything about an accurate quality…
One topic that should never be missed right from the beginning of every startup journey is: Leadership. In this 2-day long workshop our teams will learn the importance of good…
On the 16th and 17th of February we have a workshop scheduled on Negotiation & Conversation. Max Rothe is the experct when it comes to negotiations. Thus, he will show…
In the beginning of February our 3-day lasting workshop with Jochen Bloß on Time & Project Management takes place to teach the accelerator teams everything about a good self-management, the…
Our Finance Coach Daniel Worch will show our startup teams everything about a fincial plan and gives them insightful tips on all finance related topics that startups in the pre-seed…