Workshop “Design Thinking”


What Workshop about "Design Thinking" Who Jennifer Pauli When 09.06. - 10.06.2021 1:30pm - 5:30pm __________ Are you interested in other events? Click here to see a full list of planned workshops.

Workshop “Negotiation & Conversation”


What Workshop about "Negotiation & Conversation" with clients and investors Who Barbara Kubik When 15.06. - 16.06.2021 10am - 3pm __________ Are you interested in other events? Click here to see a full list of planned workshops.

Workshop “Business Model”


What Workshop about "Business Model Development" Who Dr. Hinnerk Boriss When 18.06.2021 10am - 3pm __________ Are you interested in other events? Click here to see a full list of planned workshops.

Webinar: The value of AI-driven Computational Modeling for BioTech Start-ups


In cooperation with Schrödinger GmbH we offer a webinar on AI-driven computational modeling on the 22nd of June 2021. Digitization and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are increasingly finding their way into our everyday lives. The pharmaceutical industry is also using AI to optimize drug and therapy development. The possible uses and opportunities of AI extend across […]

Workshop “Certification of medical products”


What Workshop about "Certification of medical products" with DGQ Classification of medical product (MDR, ISO-13485) Certification strategy costs time frame notified bodies and accredited laboratories Europe vs USA - MPSAP Who Alexander Geist from DGQ When 06.07. - 07.07.2021 10am - 3pm __________ Are you interested in other events? Click here to see a full […]

Workshop “Pitch Training”


What Workshop about "Pitch Training" Who Bianca Praetorius When 20.07.2021 1:30pm - 5:30pm __________ Are you interested in other events? Click here to see a full list of planned workshops.

Workshop “Patent Rights”


What Workshop about "Patent Rights" Who Dr. Wolfang Völger from KNPP When 21.07.2021 - 22.07.2021 10am - 3pm __________ Are you interested in other events? Click here to see a full list of planned workshops.

Workshop “VC Meaning” with bmp Ventures


What Workshop about the meaning of Venture Capital and the selection of suitable investors Who Philipp Kopp from bmp Ventures When 27.07.2021 10 am -12 pm About bmp Ventures bmp Ventures is a venture capital company based in Berlin. On the one hand they have been investing money in early stage and growth startups since […]

Workshop “Financing & Financial Planning”


What Workshop about "Financing & Financial Planning" Who Karime Mimoun When 28.07.2021 - 29.07.2021 10am - 3pm __________ Are you interested in other events? Click here to see a full list of planned workshops.

Workshop “Financing” with KPMG


What Workshop about financing, funding programs and investor contracts Who Stefan Schneider, Ludwig Hinze and Alexander Selentin from KPMG When 05.08. 2021 10am - 3pm About KPMG KPMG is an organization of independent member firms with around 227,000 employees in 146 countries and territories. In Germany too, KPMG is one of the leading auditing and […]

Workshop “Marketing & Sales”

What Workshop about "Marketing & Sales" Who Joris van Winsen When 18.08.2021 - 19.08.2021 10am - 3pm __________ Are you interested in other events? Click here to see a full list of planned workshops.

Gründerszene Late Night Leipzig

Design Offices Leipzig Post Augustusplatz 1-4

On the 9th of September 2021 Gründerszene Spätschicht offers a networking event in Leipzig. Startups have the possibility to meet potential investors, to get in touch with them and network with other startups.