JYMMiN from Leipzig and its team (Prof. Dr. Thomas Fritz, Moritz Wehmeier, Eric Busch, Gregor Brömmeling, Silvio Borchardt, Drik Gummel, Lydia Schneider, Dr. Daniel Hahne, Nadine Maler, Alexander Mokrusch) have set themselves the goal of simplifying, even promoting, sports activities by producing music with sports equipment. During his time at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Thomas Fritz discovered that exercisers find sports activities less strenuous, that their muscles work more efficiently, and that more happiness hormones are released within a very short time if the music can be produced by the converted sports equipment itself. The benefits of musical-feedback-training in comparison with conventional motor learning are likely to be a consequence of musical expression drawing partly on motor processes that we also use for communication, which are not exclusively under deliberate control, but to substantial degree involve emotional motor control.