Accelerators offer those who want to start a business within the Life-Science sector beneficial coaching and networking possibilities as well as valuable infrastructure support.
Without the biotech and life science industry, many areas of life would not work. At least since the Corona crisis, this awareness has also spread to the broad public. Just like the realization, that our planet can’t be saved without the conversion to regenerative energy and sustainable materials.
A glimmer of hope are the many startups, which have been able to develop innovative products to meet the challenges of our time. By using their extensive know-how and eager passion they work on making the future more secure,more sustainable and healthier.
However, the pandemic has effected the startup scene immensely, and the degree of its impacts is not yet foreseeable. Researchers and people interested in founding a company are more than ever dependent on initiatives, which professionally support the implementation of research results to commercial development and thereby minimize the entrepreneurial risk.
“In four months we cover the most important aspects for a successful corporate development.”
Dr. Ulf-Marten Schmieder

CEO TGZ Halle GmbH & Bio-Zentrum GmbH
Dr. Schmieder, the Weinberg Campus Accelerator is the first accelerator in Saxony-Anhalt. What makes it so special?
Three aspects make the Accelerator so extraordinary: One is the clear industry focus on Biomedical Life-Sciences as well as Greentech, Bioeconomy and New Materials, which also covers the industry focus of the Technology Park Weinberg Campus. This results in the second major advantage: The proximity to experts from renowned research institutions and international industrial companies as well as the possibility to use our infrastructure regarding technology and business model development. Last but not least we work independently from the interest of third parties, whereby the participation is not connected to the transfer of rights or shares.
Who is the Accelerator Program aimed at?
The offer is aimed at startups in the seed and pre-seed phase from the above mentioned industries and technology fields.
What is its procedure?
In four months we cover the most important aspects for a successful company development: from business model via financing and marketing and sales up to issues regarding certification. The possibility for the startups to individually shape the accelerator classes with workshop topic recommendations round off the offer.
What were the reactions of the six teams to the recent finished first batch of the Accelerator?
The startups were impressed mainly due to the intensive coaching by our industry experts, the one-on-one sessions and the networking possibilties we provided. Most formats were done digitally, so that we were able to also support startups from India and the USA. Our Accelerator Team has done a great job here.
Who supports or promotes the program?
The Accelerator is a program for whole Saxony-Anhalt. With the support of the European Union (ESF) and the state of Saxony-Anhalt the participation is complete free of charge.
What are your strategic goals behind the Accelerator program?
The promotion of innovative startups lies in our DNA. We want to integrate startups into the Central German Life-Sciences CLuster and the Bioeconomy and thus further develop the innovation location Saxony-Anhalt and especially the Weinberg Campus in a sustainable way and position them internationally.
What else can you do for startups beyond the program in Halle (Saale)?
We are very proud of our technology park, a lively and international “place of the future” with 8,000 students, 6,000 employees in over 100 companies
and institutes. For the development of startups there is a lot of infrastructural support with laboratories, office spaces, Makerspaces and an innovative startup ecosystem. Furthermore, Halle is an absolutely lovely place to live as a green cultural and university city. And if you insist, you can be in Berlin in an hour with the ICE (laughs).
Source: DIE WELT