On February 13th and 19th Die Frischemanufaktur GmbH offers online tasting workshops to try out different vitamin-infused beverages.
Are you curious about the so called “Lieblingswasser” by Die Frischmanufaktur? They don’t only look amazing, fruity and colorful but also taste like paradise and the fact that they are healthy is the icing on the cake!

Why don’t you go on a taste adventure and put your taste buds to the proof? With the founder Jenny Müller you will have the possibility to try out the five completeley different flavors that are on the market: Pineapple-Sage, Blackberry-Lemon Grass, Lemon-Thyme, Cranberry-Rosemary and Kurkuma-Kardamom-Orange.

When: February 13th 4pm CET & February 19th 7pm CET
During the online tasting you are more than welcome to share your thoughts and opinions on the beverages. Thus, Jenny Müller can continuously enhance her products and adapt them to customer preferences. On the other hand, you can also ask her any burning question you might have ranging from the production process or the ingredients for example. Or maybe you will reveal a totally new flavor with Jenny Müller and together create a sixth “Lieblingswasser” flavor.
In any case Die Frischemanufaktur would love to see you in the online workshops and together with you discover your favorite vitamin-infused water!

All information about the workshop
? 13.02.2021 4pm CET
? 19.02.2021 7pm CET
What is included?
? Tasting package delivered to your home
? Insights into new flavors
? No sugar or sweeteners
? No artificial flavors
? Certificate as “Lieblingswasser Sommelier:in”
? 18,90€
For more information on how to register click here.