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5 Tips for a better Time and Project Management

In this article we do not only give you 5 tips on how to improve your Time- and Project Management but also share 6 amazing tools with you that you can use to stay on track of your tasks.

The days of a start-up founder can be long and stressful. There are many things that need to be thought of during the intense phase of starting a business.

But not all is equally important, and as we all know, you can’t get back time you’ve lost. So, what should founders pay attention to in order to manage their time optimally without neglecting necessary duties?

Here you an see a woman who is hiding her face behing a big clock to symbolize the importance of good Time and Project Management.
Source: Canva

The good news first: time management can be learned! Together with our coach Jochen Bloß, we have collected 5 useful tips for effective time management:

  1. Create a schedule for your day. A pre-structured day helps you to keep track of all important tasks and to prioritize them. Think about what you need to do, how you need to do it and when it is the best time to do it.
  2. Split big tasks into smaller to-dos! This approach helps to reduce stress and structure tasks into necessary steps. This way, you keep track of what you still need to do to reach your goal.
  3. Focus on one task at a time. A clear mind is the best way to complete a task efficiently. Don’t think of other tasks, as they will only distract you. One thing at a time! Besides, there is no better feeling than having completed a task after intensive work, is there?
  4. Plan breaks between your task. Regeneration is important to stay productive and motivated in the long run. This includes getting enough sleep, healthy snacks and enough physical activity. All this should not be neglected even during long, intensive working days. Only a balanced founder is a successful founder.
  5. And, of course, the most important thing: Treat yourself! As your to-do list starts to shrink, remember to do something good to yourself. Think of small treats for completed tasks and allow yourself well-deserved rewards for your success.

6 Tools for a good Project and Time Management

Another option could be to use innovative apps to monitor and improve your time and project management! As the market is very wide, we present the five most effective apps to you:

Here you can see a digital calendar with many to do's, appointments and tasks for the entire week to keep on track of your Time and Project Management.
Source: Canva
  1. Agantty: A project management tool that can be used completely free of charge. With so-called Gantt charts, you can track the timelines of your projects and get a great overview!
  2. Asana: Another very multifunctional project management tool that comes with to-do lists, Kanban boards and Gantt charts. There is also a forum where project members can discuss their tasks.
  3. miro: An online whiteboard that allows teams to work in real time and asynchronously. The board can be used, for example, to display work processes or visualise strategies. In addition, project management tools such as Asana can be easily integrated.
  4. Trello: The tool allows you to visualise tasks intuitively and clearly. In addition, the whole team can easily access it and share the to-dos via drag & drop.
  5. Microsoft Project: For those who like to work with Microsoft applications, Microsoft Project is worth a closer look. It contains numerous templates for project files, a task overview and Gantt charts to structure projects clearly.
  6. If you prefer to keep track of your to-dos on your mobile phone, you should download this app! With features like a calendar, notepad, day planner and project management tool, it combines many useful applications to structure and keep track of your day, both professionally and privately.

Would you like to attend our coaching sessions and workshops for founders and learn more about successful time and project management? Find out more about our Accelerator Program here!

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