Workshop “Design Thinking”
What Workshop about "Design Thinking" Who Jennifer Pauli When 09.06. - 10.06.2021 1:30pm - 5:30pm __________ Are you interested in other events? Click here to see a full list of…
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What Workshop about "Design Thinking" Who Jennifer Pauli When 09.06. - 10.06.2021 1:30pm - 5:30pm __________ Are you interested in other events? Click here to see a full list of…
What Workshop about financing, funding programs and investor contracts Who Stefan Schneider, Ludwig Hinze and Alexander Selentin from KPMG When 05.08. 2021 10am - 3pm About KPMG KPMG is an…
What Workshop about "Business Modeling" Who Stefan Mayer-Ehrling from EY When 03.06. - 04.06.2021 10am - 3pm About EY EY stands for Ernst & Young and is a market leader…
What Workshop about the meaning of Venture Capital and the selection of suitable investors Who Philipp Kopp from bmp Ventures When 27.07.2021 10 am -12 pm About bmp Ventures bmp…
What Workshop about the meaning of Venture Capital and the selection of suitable investors Who bmp Ventures - Philipp Kopp When 27.07.2021 10-12pm
The annually organized Investforum Pitch-Day will have a special prorgam agenda this year. Our teams of the Weinberg Campus Accelerator will get a seperate slot for their pitch presentations and…
At the Weinberg Campus Accelerator the 1st of June means start of the new the 3rd Batch. And we can't be more excited about the five extremely promising startups that…
After 4 months of workshops and coaching, the stage was set on May 20th for the final pitches of the 2nd Batch.IdentMe presented their idea on how the planning of…
The Weinberg Campus Accelerator starts its 3rd Batch which means it is half-time. In June, the 3rd class in the field of Biomedical Life Sciences, one of the core industries…