Business Model Workshop

Next week from the 26th until the 28th of January Dr. Merle Fuchs will teach our startup teams how to set up a consistent businss model. In our digital workshops the teams will have the opportunity to acquire specific knowledge about what a good business model should contain. Moreover, after the workshops Dr. Merle Fuchs […]

Time & Project Management Workshop

In the beginning of February our 3-day lasting workshop with Jochen Bloß on Time & Project Management takes place to teach the accelerator teams everything about a good self-management, the organisation of teams and meetings, among other things. After this digital workshop procrastination will never be a problem again.

Negotiation & Conversation Workshop

On the 16th and 17th of February we have a workshop scheduled on Negotiation & Conversation. Max Rothe is the experct when it comes to negotiations. Thus, he will show our teams how to prepare well for such meetings and how to stay confident and persuasive.

Finance Workshop

Our Finance Coach Daniel Worch will show our startup teams everything about a fincial plan and gives them insightful tips on all finance related topics that startups in the pre-seed and seed-phase need to consider. From the 23rd until the 24th of February the digital workshops on Finance and Financial Planning will take place.

Intermediate Pitch

On the 26th of March it is time for our Intermediate Pitch! Our five startups will have the chance to rehearse their 8-minute long pitches infront of the coaches and to get as much valuable feedback as possible to be well prepared for the real and final pitch in May.

Business Foundation with KPMG

On the 20th and 21st of April our startups will have the opportunity to learn about "Business Foundation" from one of the leading auditing, tax and advisory firms KPMG. During these two days our consultants will be Ludwig Hinze and Alexander Selentin. They will do their best to teach the startups about the rights and […]

Final Event


On the 20th of May our final event takes place. This is the day we and our startups have been working towards the whole time. It is going to an exciting day as our teams will present their 8-minute pitches infront of investors, clients, potential customers, Business Angels and so on. We already wish them […]